
%0 Conference Proceedings
%4 dpi.inpe.br/marte2/2013/
%2 dpi.inpe.br/marte2/2013/
%@isbn 978-85-17-00066-9 (Internet)
%@isbn 978-85-17-00065-2 (DVD)
%F 192
%T Análise multitemporal da expansão turística e o seus reflexos nas mudanças da cobertura do solo do município de Bonito-MS por meio de imagens de satélite
%D 2013
%A Picharillo, Caroline,
%A Ogashawara, Igor,
%@affiliation Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%@electronicmailaddress carol.gestao012@gmail.com
%E Epiphanio, José Carlos Neves,
%E Galvão, Lênio Soares,
%B Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 16 (SBSR)
%C Foz do Iguaçu
%8 13-18 abr. 2013
%I Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%J São José dos Campos
%P 7148-7155
%S Anais
%1 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%K NDVI, hybrid classification, spatial organization, NDVI, classificação híbrida, organização espacial.
%X The touristic expansion in the city of Bonito, in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil has been changing the economy in the region due to the recent precautions to the environment which raises the necessity for ecotourism activities. Firstly it was tried to use a classification based on the digital numbers from NDVI to discriminate the land cover. The accuracy of this classification was calculated by the kappa statistic with a hybrid classification as reference. Also through the hybrid classification it was attempted to relate the land cover to the touristic expansion measured by the ICMS (tax on consumption of goods and services) of the selling activity. For this we used 3 TM/Landsat 5 images dated from 25 July, 1987; 23 July, 1998 and 23 July, 2004. The classification based on NDVI values was not accurate since the k values were from each date as respectively 0.1950, 0.2056, and 0.2442. The correlation between land cover classes and ICMS values have the best direct correlation (r = 0.9993) between urban area and commerce economical activity. It showed that the touristic expansion have changed the land cover pattern in the city of Bonito MS mainly in the urban area. The article presented a methodology based on remote sensing and GIS technology to understand the dynamic of the spatial organization which can be a powerful tool for policy makers.
%9 Mudança de Uso e Cobertura da Terra
%@language pt
%3 p0192.pdf
